

Treacle Tart! (Harry Potter's Favourite!)

According to facebook, May 2nd was [somewhat unofficially] Wizarding Independence Day - the day Harry defeated Voldemort! I happen to be a manic Harry Potter fan (I listen to legitimate Harry Potter bands - the genre is called wizard rock*) and so I decided I had to bake something for this ;)

Treacle tart! It's interesting and no one here has ever had it before. Most importantly though, it's Harry's favourite dessert :)

I was at a total loss on where to find a recipe for this. I eventally chose this one. No idea how "authentic" it is, but I don't think that matters because this is one of the greatest things I've ever tasted.

Jo Rowling made a good choice for Harry.

This dessert presented a challenge. Golden syrup. What on earth is golden syrup? Apparently it's some sort of byproduct made when sugar is refined - similar to molasses, but sweeter. I ordered a can of it from Amazon; it was (thankfully) relatively inexpensive. And it came in time :)

The golden syrup and butter

The recipe itself was pretty simple. Nothing difficult. And! I made fresh whipped cream for the first time. It was so delicious~ :D Recipe from allrecipes.

A piece of treacle tart with earl grey tea in my favorite tea cup

*Wizard rock: music about Harry Potter! The bands are actually very good, most of them. A lot of them are really talented musicians. My favorite bands are The Remus Lupins, The Parselmouths, The Mudbloods, The Moaning Myrtles, The Whomping Willows, The Butterbeer Experience, Misuse of Muggle Artificats Office, Ministry of Magic, ... etc :)